Teaching materials donated to schools in Sri Lanka by Neuwied-VR-Bank
It was a belated Christmas present that the vice president of Neuwied-Matara-Friendship Association was handed over by financial advisor, Mr. Martin Schlüter, at VR- Bank in Neuwied-Engers. It is meant to support her school projects at schools in Matara, Sri Lanka.
Strictly speaking, it is not only one present but lots of bits and pieces that students can use at school: pens, colour pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, writing-pads, educational painting books and lunch-boxes. Those lunch boxes will definitely be used differently in comparison to German students and probably contain rice, vegetables and fruit instead of German “Butterbrot” = sandwich. Anyway, it is a useful object and will certainly be accepted with pleasure.
On January 19th, Edeltrud Pinger will start her fifteenth journey to Sri Lanka and work again at project schools and visit families of their scholarship students. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Herta Ries, treasurer of Neuwied-Matara-Friendship Association and godmother of
an Anura-boy, and her sister, Mrs. Inge Martin, member of the association and godmother of an Anura-girl who passed her A-levels last year and still enjoys her godmother’s support on her way through professional training.The three ladies will have to cope with different important tasks and duties in the course of their stay in Matara. For our donors and godparents in Germany it is important to receive reports, background stories and pictures proving and documenting our activities at schools and in needy families.
Bohome istuti = thanks a lot – for all those donations of VR-Bank! And thanks to all the people who will grant similar donations, or who will donate money to the association’s bank account for more support! (IBAN; DE 58 574 501 20 00 3004 1800)