Small improvements – Big effects!
In January, both presidents of our association, commissioned Mr. Silva, construction manager, to do some works at Anura College and preschool, and there are first results to discover. Fortunately, our Srilankan coordinator, Mr. Ruwan, visits the school regularly to keep an
eye on what is being done there and send some photographs from time to time. This means good information and keeping us updated. Some weeks ago, when Mr. Bernd Mertgen (president) and Mrs. Edeltrud Pinger (vice president) were staying in Matara, they reported about an area behind one of Anura class rooms that is to be cleared, cleaned, leveled and arranged to become a new compound for preschool children to play in the open air. All this has been carried out meanwhile, there is a new wall and you can see progress when comparing the pictures. The brick-wall in the background will be opened, and a door will lead inside the preschool-classroom. On the right side of this door, a small hand basin will be installed and enable the children to wash their hands and clean them from sand f. ex.There is the new basin for Anura students in front of the library, and soon, four water-tabs will be fixed and enable the students to wash their hands after using the washrooms, or just get some cool water for refreshment.
More work has been done at PSPS (Princess Sophie Pre School). New shelves and racks have been fixed; the new pink clock on one of the walls can tell the time and teach the children to read the right time, and there is even the nice photograph of their protectress, Princess Sophie, in a frame on one of the shelves.
The two young German teachers, Marie and Jana, have finished their visit and work at Anura College and changed to Rohana Special School – one of our project schools – for some more weeks to gain more experience and learn about the educational system before going back to Germany. They were welcomed in a very friendly way and seem to feel quite good. Let’s hope that we will soon get some more information and pictures about their activities at Rohana.