New playground and wash basin nearly finished – and so have Marie and Jana, with regard to their traineeship! Alas!
There was a lot of work to be done in the outdoor area of Anura College and PSPS (Preschool) during the last weeks. Our president, Mr. Bernd Mertgen, could see quite good results before he left Sri Lanka after two and a half months on the island, and he took home some nice photographs.
When you compare the pictures of February 21st to the ones here in this article, you will see that the wall was painted in (still) spotless white colour, playground equipment was put up, there are some new items as for example some painted car tyres, and children are happy to use the new area.
There was not enough space for a sand pit, so there is one in front of the pre school. It’s like a circle and you can sit on its edge or play in the sand inside. So, there are numerous occasions for the children, aged 4 – 6 years, to play and learn in the classroom and outside with the help of child-orientated educational materials – and responsible teachers, of course. Our protectress, Princess Sophie of Neuwied, will be happy to see these improvements caused by her financial support.
Another investment initiated by Neuwied-Matara-Friendship-Association is the big new wash basin, a real gem with beautiful tiles and solid water taps, enabling the students to wash their hands after using the toilets, or just for refreshment, which is quite appropriate and comfortable when the weather is humid and hot.
After four years, there is a fresh layer of paint applied to the floor in the home science room, and it will certainly remain nice and clean for a
long time if you sweep and wipe it regularly. We think that the school community understands that it is important for present and for future students and teachers, to look carefully after maintenance and preservation of all the objects and buildings, particularly the ones newly built during the last five years and donated by the German friendship association to Anura College. We will go on supporting the school in future, and we hope from the bottom of our hearts that all those who are responsible will support us and themselves by caring for the important aim of providing good education.Time is nearly over for our two German trainees, Marie and Jana, who have been working at Anura College and Rohana Special School for roughly three months and have really been a personal gain and enrichment for both schools. They will certainly take home lots of instructive, impressive and memorable experiences before continuing their master studies in Germany. Thanks to their host family, Mr. and Mrs. Walawege and two sons, who did not demand real rental charges (except for some minor costs for electricity etc., based on consumption). In return, the two young ladies offered regular English lessons to the boys, and they will have learned a lot about Germany, I bet. In any case, it was a big chance for the two young ladies to experience Sri Lanka intensely. Big thanks go to the family Walawege, and to you, dear Marie and Jana for your big effort and support in two schools. Bohome istuti!